SEO & SEM Strategy

A few words about EMP SEO SEM Strategy
EMP Australia provide a specialist on line traffic solution to companies who require an instant boost in visitors to their website. Google Analytics and SEM is used to create ads on the right hand side for any Google search. We setup and manage on your behalf an Ad Word Campaign. The Ad Word search terms will be based on the best industry specific terms relating to your core business offerings.
Link Building
Google place importance on the relevance of your website to search terms. Therefore if other industry websites are linked to your site the Google robot assumes your site is both credible and a reference site. EMP Australia hold over 2500 domains. As part of our process we link build for some of these domains relating to your industry, to point exclusively to your website. The relevance of the domain name will ensure they provide traffic to your site.
At EMP, we create simple, effective strategies that maximise expenditure to keep your company competitive in online marketing.
Our SEM/SEO provides 3 levels of traffic for the same cost as your current Google Adwords Expenditure. The EMP SEM/SEO strategy creates link building to websites with a specific Google Adwords expenditure on each with a minimum of 10 links at a cost of $700+GST per month over a 12 month period.
3 Levels of Traffic
- 1. Traffic from Google Adwords expenditure
- 2. Traffic from guarantee level of visitors schedule per month over a 12 month period
- 3. Traffic from main site visitor increase over 12 month period based on link building
Costing Analysis
Search Engine Marketing – $700 Google Ad Words campaign each month over a 12 month contract.
EMP will also build 120 links that are optimised to point exclusively to your main Website.
These links alone will at minimum deliver the following schedule of visitors:
- by 3 months 3 visitors per month per link
- by 6 months 5 visitors per month per link
- by 9 months 8 visitors per month per link
- by 12 months 10 visitors per month per link
Link building created in month 10, 11 and 12 will be created in advance to reach a minimum visitor of 10 per month by the time the Google Adwords accounts are created and the budget for that month is received.
On a package of $700+GST per month relating to an average of $3 per click. On a cost analysis the savings over the 12 month contract compared to Google Adwords is as follows:
Cost of $2100+GST by month 3
- spend 2100 worth of Adwords (approx 700 visitors at $3 per click)
- receive an additional 90 organic visitors valued at $270
Cost of $4200+GST by month 6
- spend 4200 worth of Adwords (approx 1400 visitors at $3 per click)
- receive an additional 300 organic visitors valued at $900
Cost of $6300+GST by month 9
- spend 6300 worth of Adwords (approx 2100 visitors at $3 per click)
- receive an additional 720 organic visitors valued at $2160
Cost of $8400+GST by month 12
- spend 8400 worth of Adwords (approx 2800 visitors at $3 per click)
- receive an additional 1200 organic visitors valued at $3600
The main focus of this strategy is to obtain the best subsidiary value for your Google Adwords expenditure. Spend $700 today on Google Adwords and all you receive is $700 worth of advertised keywords, which at $3 per click is approx 233 visitors. Utilising our strategy, on the 13th month the strategy will create 1200 organic visitors worth of traffic. The outcome is cost per click is reduced from $3 to approx $0.60.
Google Adwords will always increase in cost per click where our strategy achieves an adverse effect. EMP can achieve a steady reduction to stability over the years where your competitors keep on increasing expenditure to get the same results.
Examples of results over 12 months

At EMP, we create simple, effective strategies that maximise expenditure to keep your company competitive in online marketing.
Our SEM/SEO provides 3 levels of traffic for the same cost as your current Google Adwords Expenditure. The EMP SEM/SEO strategy creates link building to websites with a specific Google Adwords expenditure on each with a minimum of 10 links at a cost of $700+GST per month over a 12 month period.
3 Levels of Traffic
- 1. Traffic from Google Adwords expenditure
- 2. Traffic from guarantee level of visitors schedule per month over a 12 month period
- 3. Traffic from main site visitor increase over 12 month period based on link building